( Pp. 35-38)

More about authors
Shamarov Pavel V. kandidat voennyh nauk, docent, professor; specialist otdela
Academy of Military Sciences; Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
The article discusses the genesis of changes in state concepts and doctrines adopted by the political and practical approaches of the United States in the field of international peacekeeping in modern geopolitical conditions. The conditions of de jure and de facto American participation in peacekeeping operations are analyzed, the geopolitical interest of the White House in their implementation under the auspices of the UN and other organizations is substantiated. The new functionality of the American peacekeepers - military-civil interaction with the population of the conflict region, which has become an important function of the Pentagon’s activities abroad, is being isolated.
How to Cite:
Shamarov P.V., (2019), US GEOPOLITICS IN PEACEKEEPING. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 35-38.
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