( Pp. 33-41)

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Shkvarun Maksim A. aspirant kafedry istorii i politiki Rossii
Institute of International Relations and World History of National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod
The article examines in detail the political situation in the Middle Eastern states: Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and Syria, in the XX-n. XXI century, to the present day. Parallels are drawn that reveal similarities and differences in the ruling regimes of the states under study, after which a comparative assessment is given of the consequences of overthrowing power, pluses and minuses, as this has affected the socio-economic basis of population. The author considers the political structure, the form of government and the predominant denomination in the countries in question. Compare the main provisions of religions, how they affect the system of state power. Describes the basic tenets of Islam, its division into two key branches - Sunnism and Shiism. After immersing in a historical digression to each of the described Middle Eastern countries, there is a way out to the situation of modern times, the events of the «last days» and provides a conclusion, an expert opinion on the cause-effect relationships. Briefly, the term «Arab Spring», the reasons for its occurrence, is given. The role of the «superpowers» in the Middle East region, the events that influenced the situation in the states considered is cited. The characteristics of US actions on the problems of the countries of the Middle East region in the 21st century are given. The study includes statistics and analysis of victims of political and dictatorial regimes, compared to those killed in civil wars, and from military operations by the US and the Western coalition. At the end of the article, the author draws conclusions and gives his own assessment of the events that took place in the countries examined, their reasons and interrelations with the geopolitical interests of the United States and countries of Western Europe.
How to Cite:
Shkvarun M.A., (2018), POLITICAL PROBLEMS OF THE COUNTRIES OF THE MIDDLE EAST REGION IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 33-41.
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