( Pp. 121-125)

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Letova Natalia Valerievna d-r yurid. nauk. Dolzhnost: Veduschiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Institute of State and Law RAS
Task. The author of the article set himself the task of identifying the particular manifestations of violence against children. Model. To solve such a theoretical problem, it is necessary to investigate different aspects of family life, the internal relationships that develop between family members, which will allow to identify the causes of aggressive behavior towards the child. Findings. Violence against a child is a multifaceted problem, the study of which cannot be limited only to the area of law. The framework of the study. Limited to relations in the field of family, criminal, administrative law of the Russian Federation. Practical value. Identifying the causes of violence against the child will help to formulate general measures aimed at protecting the rights of the child in practice. Social consequences. Determining the essence of domestic violence in relation to a child will help identify the causes and causes of its formation in the family, identify the degree of psychological impact on the child in case of different types and forms of violence, which will allow to develop effective mechanisms to protect the rights and interests of children in the family. Originality, value. A systematic study and study of the causes of violence in the family in relation to the child, the identification of its types and forms will help to formulate general approaches to the implementation of preventive work to prevent domestic violence. An analysis of the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the provisions of international law will make it possible to identify additional possibilities for the implementation of the protection of the rights of the child from encroachments on his life and health on the part of his relatives.
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