( Pp. 203-207)

More about authors
Tsifanova Irina V. kandidat istoricheskih nauk, docent
State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education «Stavropol state pedagogical Institute»
Aim. Increasing hostility in the societies of late modernity and, as a consequence, the development of violence and simulation of identity, make it necessary to investigate the emblems and the semiotics of the image of «enemy». Findings. Taking shape contradictions in late modernity societies cause human hostility. The externally implanting image of «enemy» is emblematic by its nature and has an operational radius of action through a system of virtual communication. This has an impact on the human subconscious and the process of acquiring identity. Practical importance. Materials can be used to develop the system of counteraction to manipulation of subjects` consciousness. Originality. The image of the «enemy» is represented through encrypted symbols with coded information. The importance of the studied ideologeme for the development of protest sentiments in society is determined, as well as the regulation of the process of identity acquisition by a person.
How to Cite:
Tsifanova I.V., (2019), THE IMAGE OF «ENEMY» IN THE SOCIETIES OF LATE MODERNITY: EMBLEMS AND SEMIOTICS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 203-207.
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