( Pp. 45-48)

More about authors
Antonyan Elena A. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry kriminologii i ugolovno-ispolnitelnogo prava
Moscow State Legal University named after O.E. Kutafina (MGLA) Baumshtein Anton B. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor kafedry ugolovnogo prava
Southwestern state university
This article is devoted to the study of such social phenomena as aggressive bullying in the school team. The manifestation of bullying in the form of intimidation, insults, constant negative evaluation, physical terror affects the socio-psychological specifics of the teenager. Adolescent bullying today reinforces the features of an aggressive-violent nature, manifested in an increase in the time and quality indicators of «victim persecution». The article emphasizes the contribution of the Norwegian psychological D. Olweus in the introduction bullying in psychological science. Bullying at school is defined as aggressive harassment of one of the members of the school team by the rest of the team or part of it. Its consequences often lead to varying degrees of mental disorders and psychosomatic diseases, and can also cause suicide. One of the types of harassment is defined as cyberbullying, affecting a larger array of victims with increased force of impact. The article investigates the motivational features of bullying and the reasons that enhance its inclinations. The portrait of the victim of bullying, characterized by the following qualities: increased sensitivity, anxiety, physical weakness, depression, low self-esteem, complexes, isolation, self-doubt. Special attention is paid to the so-called «witnesses» of persecution. The socially significant role of this category of persons, which can be manifested in various behavioral reactions - from inaction to active intervention, is particularly emphasized. The article defines effective measures of influence in order to minimize the negative consequences of psychological and physical impact of bullying. Among them are allocated: the information method, the volunteers, the method of psychological care, method of surveillance, the legal conversation. This study determines the essential factors of the nature of bullying in the modern adolescent environment to develop recommendations for action.
How to Cite:
Antonyan E.A., Baumshtein A.B., (2019), SCHOOL BULLYING AS CRIMINOLOGICAL PROBLEM AND THREAT TO CHILD SAFETY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 45-48.
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