( Pp. 124-127)

More about authors
Kolesnikov Dmitriy I. adyunkt kafedry filosofii i religiovedeniya
Military University of the Russian Federation, Defense Ministry
The problem of the Genesis of hybrid warfare has not yet been sufficiently investigated. Some believe that hybrid warfare is a new type of conflict that only emerged at the beginning of the twenty-first century. According to the author, there is an attempt to identify the moment of appearance of the term "hybrid war" with the phenomenon itself, the history of which has more than one hundred years. Of course, experts are right when they talk about the sharp, cumulative effect of increasing the effectiveness of modern disruptive technologies used in recent years in the course of indirect confrontation in peacetime in color revolutions and hybrid wars. Hence the sharpened attention to terminology, because: to name correctly-to understand correctly. The article deals with the main concepts of the strategy of indirect actions, asymmetric conflicts and insurgency, identified the essential features and characteristics of the phenomenon under consideration. The author analyzes the origin of the concept of hybrid war, identifies its main forms and methods of conduct in modern conditions.
How to Cite:
Kolesnikov D.I., (2019), HYBRID WAR AS A CONCEPT AND PHENOMENON. Sociopolitical Sciences, 6 => 124-127.
Reference list:
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