( Pp. 104-106)

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Kharzinova Violeta Mukhamedinovna kand. yurid. nauk, docent, docent kafedry gosudarstvennyh i grazhdansko-pravovyh disciplin.
North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nalchik, Russia
The purpose of this article is to review the legal status of the defender in criminal proceedings in the light of the amendments and additions made to the code of criminal procedure. The article reveals some features of the legal status of the defender and the conduct of legal proceedings, as well as the conflict of laws provisions of article 56 of the code of criminal procedure. The amendments made to part 3 of article 56 of the CPC are controversial because they contradict the purpose of criminal proceedings. In the procedural literature, these changes are interpreted ambiguously. In this regard, we believe that the interrogation of a lawyer (defender) in criminal proceedings as a witness, even with the consent of the suspect and the accused is impossible, since such a provision is contrary to the purpose of criminal proceedings and the implementation of the functions of the criminal process. The article can be used in the investigation and consideration of criminal cases. The novelty of this work lies in the fact that it deals with the conflict of laws provisions of p. 3 h. 3 article. 56 of the code of criminal procedure.
How to Cite:
Kharzinova V.M., (2019), LEGAL STATUS OF DEFENSE COUNSEL IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 104-106.
Reference list:
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