Promote outstanding foreign-related legal talents training through the practice management of international moot competition
( Pp. 49-53)

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Zhang Zhengyi Dr. Sci. (Law), Assoc. Prof.; Deputy Head at the International Affairs Office; Deputy Head at the Administration Department of China-SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation
Shanghai University of Political Science and Law
Shanghai, China
With the advancement of world globalization and economic integration, the demand for outstanding foreign-related legal talents is increasing. After years of practice, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law has emerged in a number of international competitions and formed a unique management system for training foreign-related legal talents. The practice management of international moot competition includes centralized management, teaching management, scientific research management and autonomous management. The mutual coordination of the above management methods can effectively improve the ability of law students to analyze and solve problems, help them better adapt to the international practice environment in advance, and provide a replicable and popularized mode for long-term cultivation of outstanding foreign-related legal talents.
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international moot competition, practice management, outstanding foreign-related legal talents, international communication, law education.

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