Axiological models of educationin the context of its continuity
( Pp. 89-94)

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Topchy Alexander Yuryevich aspirant kafedry «Filosofiya, sociologiya i istoriya» Rossiyskoy otkrytoy akademii transporta
Russian University of Transport MIIT (RUT MIIT)
The purpose of the study. The article discusses various axiological models of education in the aspect of ensuring the continuity of the educational process. Education is analyzed as a process that combines organizational, process and resultant components. The aim of the study is to identify and substantiate educational models from the point of view of value bases. This is due to the need to choose a specific model or a combination of them, depending on social conditions and institutional factors. Conclusions. As a result of the conducted research, the author comes to the conclusion that at present it is advisable to define a number of axiological educational models, each of which is based on certain value ideas about the images of the ideal personality of students: the traditional Christian image, the image based on socio-pedagogical determinism; the image based on natural determinism; the humanistic image. The philosophical-axiological approach allows us to distinguish four axiological models of education: theocentric, sociocentric, nature-centric and anthropocentric. The choice of a particular model is determined by the ideological orientation of the subject of the learning process, the specific historical conditions of the development of society, the state's requests for educational results, personal and professional qualities of students. The author concludes that there is a need for a differentiated approach to the definition of a specific axiological model of education, which will be more effective if it is enriched with elements of other models.
How to Cite:
Topchy A.Y., (2021), AXIOLOGICAL MODELS OF EDUCATIONIN THE CONTEXT OF ITS CONTINUITY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 1 => 89-94.
Reference list:
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continuing education, image of the student, axiological model of education, implementation of the value model of education.

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