( Pp. 143-145)

More about authors
Alan Sh. Gabaraev Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines, Leading Researcher
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics; Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Moscow, Russian Federation; Moscow, Russian Federation
The article analyzes the essence of the phenomenon of criminal responsibility of minors. The main aspects and current trends of the legal regulation of bringing this category of persons to criminal responsibility are highlighted. The possibilities and problems of applying punishment in the form of real deprivation of liberty to minors are considered. The author analyzes the application of the institute of replacing the unserved part of the punishment in the form of correctional and compulsory work by imprisonment to convicted juveniles who maliciously evade serving the sentence. The necessity of the further development of Russian juvenile justice, the creation of a unified, centralized and independent system of social rehabilitation institutions and government bodies is substantiated.
How to Cite:
Alan S.G., (2019), PECULIARITIES OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY OF MINORS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 143-145.
Reference list:
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