( Pp. 35-40)

More about authors
Molchakov Nikita Yu. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, starshiy prepodavatel kafedry konstitucionnogo prava
MGIMO-University MFA Russia Kotlova Anna V. prepodavatel kafedry publichnogo prava
Odintsovo Branch of MGIMO-University MFA-Russia
In this article the phenomenon of political leadership is considered from the point of constitutional law theory. The authors argue that constitutional norms can both contribute to the process of accumulating priority of influence by a person (group of persons) and limit this process. The article proposes a typology of constitutional texts in terms of the opportunities they contain for the development of the phenomenon of political leadership. To justify their approach, the authors analyze the constitutions of different countries, in particular the USA, France and Russia. In addition, the proposed article identifies those constitutional mechanisms that define the framework in which a person (group of persons) can accumulate the priority of influence in a constitutional way.
How to Cite:
Molchakov N.Y., Kotlova A.V., (2019), «CONSTITUTIONALITY» OF POLITICAL LEADERSHIP IN A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 35-40.
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