( Pp. 97-100)

More about authors
Ravochkin Nikita N. kandidat filosofskih nauk, docent kafedry gumanitarno-pravovyh disciplin
Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, Kemerovo
The article analyzes the determination possibilities of philosophical ideas in terms of social change. An appeal is made to social dynamics as a characteristic of society. The author of the article investigated the political and legal changes taking place in society. Through an analysis of the works of domestic and foreign researchers, as well as the ideas of classics and contemporaries of philosophical thought, it was proved that philosophical ideas influence the foundations of social transformations. In addition, the author notes that the changes taking place in the political and legal spheres of public life are determined in accordance with the popularity and prevalence of specific ideas, traditions and schools in a certain historical period and, which is logical, social issues considered in a particular philosophical discourse.
How to Cite:
Ravochkin N.N., (2018), PHILOSOPHICAL IDEAS AS SOCIAL CHANGES DETERMINANTS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 6 => 97-100.
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