( Pp. 126-131)

More about authors
Kirillova Elena A. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
Southwest state University Artemova Polina V. prepodavatel kafedry gosudarstvennogo upravleniya
MGIMO - University
The necessity of writing this article is due to the needs of the analysis of the forms of state participation in civil relations, as the Russian legislation is a pluralistic model of state participation in civil relations, when it is represented by several bodies of state power, and the order of their interaction is not regulated by law. The main method of research is the dialectical method, as well as private scientific methods of cognition, such as logical, formal-legal, systemic. Theoretical basis of research is the views and conclusions contained in the works of Russian and foreign scientists: O. S. Adam, S. S. Alekseyev, V. A., Babakov, V. G. Golubtsov, S. G. Kamolov A. N. Guava, A. V. Pavlyuk and others. This article deals with the problems of indirect participation of the state in civil relations with the help of legal entities that acquire rights and bear obligations not only in their own interests and in the interests of the state.. This article provides a critical analysis of approaches to understanding the participation of state bodies in civil turnover on a special assignment; various examples of the state's participation in civil relations are considered. The study concluded that the state takes part in civil relations - direct, indirect participation and participation on special instructions. Public authorities are involved in civil relations through various legal models, the analysis of which showed their unity and difference in the relations of civil turnover. Given that it may be necessary to change the profile of the institution and taking into account the possibilities of indirect state participation in civil turnover, it seems correct to amend article 31 of the Federal law № 83-FZ, according to which this article will be supplemented by a provision that the Federal public authority (state body), carrying out the functions and powers of the founder of the Federal state institution established in the manner prescribed by paragraph 1 of this article, has the right to decide to change the type of this institution in the order, established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The results of scientific research have shown that the forms of state participation in civil relations require the development, improvement and further research.
How to Cite:
Kirillova E.A., Artemova P.V., (2018), FORMS OF STATE PARTICIPATION IN CIVIL RELATIONS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 126-131.
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