( Pp. 214-217)

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Savkin Nikolay S. doktor filosofskih nauk, professor, professor kafedry filosofii
National Research Mordovia State University
In modern philosophical science formed the new creative direction of modern thought about man and society - synergic anthropology. The article seeks to examine the specifics, features and capabilities of this direction in the analysis of some socio-economic phenomena of our time. Synergies associated with the assistance and participation of two or more social phenomena, resulting in expected effective acceleration event or process. Synergy is widely used in the field of scientific knowledge and is closely connected with the theory of self-organization of the world - a synergy. Synergetic from the scientific viewpoint explains organic unity of human nature as the harmonious joint action of body, biologically, physiological levels to social structural levels and spirituality. So the question, what is man, what is its nature - social, biological, spiritual - in synergic anthropology is solved convincing proof of his integrity as an organic unity, interaction and interdependence of all these three components. For the transition to a new stage of the movement of society and human «here and now» from the position of synergic anthropology there is an interaction of the forces of parliamentarianism (evolutionary) and revolutionary action of the masses. But for realization of synergy lacks active third force, which is concentrated in the manual which should give a boost. From the standpoint of synergtic anthropology is an interest of consideration of two opposing forces in society: passionarity and social autism. Their interaction takes place in a complex conflicts of history in constant interaction with socio-economic processes.
How to Cite:
Savkin N.S., (2018), SYNERGY ANTHROPOLOGY. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 214-217.
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