( Pp. 136-140)
More about authors
Kabanov Andrey V.
nachalnik Administrativno-pravovogo upravleniya
JSC «Raiffeisenbank»
JSC «Raiffeisenbank»
The article analyzes the scientific views on the concept of the head of the organization as a special subject of labor law. Representing the employer in the employment relationship with the employees of the organization, which he directs, he, at the same time, he is an employee who has his employer. This dual status also determines the direction of scientific discussion, which has been going on in the science of labor and civil law for many years. On the basis of the analysis of normative acts and the Federal legislation discrepancies and the legislator on these questions are proved. From the content of the concept of «head of the organization», enshrined in Art. 273 of the labor code of the Russian Federation concluded that such is a natural person - the first official (sole Executive body) of the organization - a legal entity, the subject of labor relations as an employer. The head of the organization, which is not a legal entity and does not have the authority of the employer, is not included in the content of the concept of «head of the organization» used by the labor legislation.
How to Cite:
Kabanov A.V., (2018), HEAD OF THE ORGANIZATION AS A SPECIAL CATEGORY OF EMPLOYEES. Sociopolitical Sciences, 4 => 136-140.
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