( Pp. 30-34)

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Kanina Yuliya S. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent kafedry pravovyh disciplin
Tambov Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation
The aim of the study of legal nihilism of young people is a theoretical understanding of its essence, content based on new social realities and analysis of the causes of this phenomenon, as well as the search for ways to solve this problem, taking into account the specifics of the social group, the complexity of the problem and the author's position. The practical value is expressed in the presence of author's proposals to improve the Russian legislation and the activities of state bodies in order to overcome the causes that contribute to the formation of legal nihilism among young people and to develop recommendations, the introduction of which in the social and legal reality will contribute to changing the situation with the spread of legal nihilism in a youthful environment. The value of the author's conclusions is expressed in specific recommendations for the development of areas of improvement of legal means to overcome the legal nihilism of young people. Namely in two main directions: in the legislative sphere and in the sphere of education. Conclusions: the main causes of legal nihilism among young people are expressed in the absence of: proper education, legal education, which is a consequence of low legal culture and legal literacy, in the actions of the authorities and its representatives, not correlated with legal and ethical standards, as well as imperfection or injustice of legislation. The author believes that in the formation and improvement of legislation it is necessary to proceed from the principle of justice and expediency, taking into account the interests of the individual, to adopt and implement long-term targeted programs aimed at countering legal nihilism. In the educational sphere at different levels, it is necessary to form basic legal knowledge in the professional sphere of any specialist and to intensify measures for legal education, which is manifested in the conduct of scientific, socially oriented activities to disseminate legal knowledge and the formation of skills to apply them. It is necessary to intensify the work of public organizations whose activities are related to legal education, as they are part of civil society and form legal education on the basis of non-state ideology and social values.
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