( Pp. 127-130)
More about authors
Daurbekov Amirhan S.
aspirant kafedry trudovogo prava; zamestitel rukovoditelya yuridicheskoy sluzhby
State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow «Gormedtehnika of Department of Health of the city of Moscow»; EITU HE «AL&SR»
State budgetary institution of the city of Moscow «Gormedtehnika of Department of Health of the city of Moscow»; EITU HE «AL&SR»
At present, China is one of the leading economies in the world. Employers of China tirelessly develop their production, skills, and also give great attention to developing the skills of their employees. However, to date, in a competitive environment, many companies are faced with the problem of leaving valuable employees who have crucial skills, customer connections and confidential information about the company's business. In order to protect fair competition, Chinese lawmakers have introduced into the labor law of China a concept of on non-competition agreement, which is concluded by the employee and employer at the moment of entering into the employment contract and have effect after termination of the employment contract. Consideration of this issue is quite interesting from a theoretical and practical point of view, as ensuring fair competition is not only an indispensable element of economic development, but also a significant factor in the investment attractiveness of the country as a whole. The author analyzes the scope, potential parties and conditions for application of the agreement on non-competition as a relatively new concept for China labor law, examines the main problems of legal regulation of the concept and assesses the main normative acts related to the mentioned concept.
How to Cite:
Daurbekov A.S., (2018), AGREEMENT OF NON-COMPETITION IN THE LABOR LAW OF CHINA. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 127-130.
Reference list:
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Belikova K.M. K voprosu o vozmozhnosti nadnatsional nogo kollektivno-dogovornogo regulirovaniya trudovykh otnosheniy v stranakh BRIKS (na primere Indii). Biznes v zakone. Ekonomiko-yuridicheskiy zhurnal, № 3, 2106.
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Washington journal of law, Technology arts volume 11. Issue 5 spring 2016. A comparative study of non-compete agreements for trade secrets protecction in the United States and China. Cite as: 11 Wash. J.L. Tech. Arts 405 (2016) //