( Pp. 10-15)

More about authors
Dolenko Dmitry V. doktor politicheskih nauk, professor; professor kafedry vseobschey istorii, politologii i regionovedeniya
National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University Malchenkov Stanislav A. kandidat istoricheskih nauk; docent kafedry vseobschey istorii, politologii i regionovedeniya
Ogarev Mordovia State University
Saransk, Russian Federation
Purpose. The main objective of this study is to identify trends in the development of European integration from its initial stage to the present day. To achieve this goal, the basic documents of the European Union were analyzed. The research topic is relevant, as evidenced by the large number of foreign publications on it. The authors of the most important foreign works - V.N. Vatyl, J.P.L. Vicente, C. Lord, W. Loth, N. MacLean Of Pennycross. Findings. The study concluded that despite the negative trends of the 21st century, the main trend in European politics is integration, strengthening unity, covering all its spheres of public life. In the development of the European Union, there are both internal and external crises and problem situations, most clearly manifested in the European Debt Crisis of 2010 and the Brexit procedure. However, as the experience of previous crises shows, such problems are successfully solved. Originality / value. An original attempt was made to determine the causes of the difficulties encountered by the European Union in the 2010s, and also to study the nature of Euroscepticism. The value of the research results is also associated with a comparison of European and Eurasian integration.
How to Cite:
Dolenko D.V., Malchenkov S.A., (2019), EUROPEAN INTEGRATION: STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT AND CONTEMPORARY CONDITION. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 10-15.
Reference list:
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