Criminal legal means of providing health care during the COVID-19 pandemic
( Pp. 31-41)

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Ilin Danila Vladimirovich lawyer, Cand.Sci.(Law), retired from the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, police Colonel.
Moscow bar Association "Unity of Solidarity"
Moscow, Russia
The article presents the results of a study of the problems of criminal legal assessment of criminal attacks on the health care system during the COVID-19 pandemic. The social background of such crime and its criminological characteristics are studied. Given the fact that most of criminal law, aimed at preventing crime, reducing the capacity of the state in the fight against novel coronavirus infection treated in depth by the legal and regulatory framework is impeding the spread of the pandemic COVID-19, and analyzed Federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of health of Russia and other state bodies governing the functioning of public authorities, medical institutions and organizations, the rights and obligations of citizens and legal entities, this includes measures for the prevention of this disease in various areas of social life that are additionally regulated during the COVID-19 pandemic. The task of optimizing the criminal law provision of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic is formulated, taking into account the actual situation with the spread of this infection and the practice of countering it. As part of this task, based on a critical analysis of existing approaches in the science of criminal law, we formulate our own concept of crimes that infringe on the health system during the COVID-19 pandemic, characterize the problem, study their legal and social nature, and systematize such crimes. On the basis of the obtained data, a General description of crimes that encroach on the health system during the COVID-19 pandemic is given, their criminal-legal features are considered, theoretical approaches to determining their essence are studied, and the author's position on this issue is formulated. The author's classification of crimes that hinder the provision of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic is given. Groups of such crimes are consistently considered. A General description of their objective and subjective characteristics is given. Proposals for improving the interpretation of the relevant criminal law norms in science and law enforcement practice have been developed, and suggestions for their improvement have been substantiated and formulated. The article is addressed not only to scientists and practitioners of law enforcement agencies, but also to doctors who often work in conditions of a lack of legal knowledge about their rights and obligations, the qualification of certain acts from the point of view of criminal law, the grounds and limits of criminal liability for those that constitute a crime, and algorithms for actions in case of detection of such acts.
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crimes that hinder the provision of health care during the COVID-19 pandemic, the COVID-19 pandemic, a new coronavirus infection, criminal legal means of providing health care, criminological and criminal legal characteristics, classification and types of such crimes, grounds and limits of criminal liability of medical workers, algorithms for actions when detecting such crimes.

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