( Pp. 30-31)

More about authors
Balzhinimaeva Elena P. kandidat sociologicheskih nauk, docent kafedry politologii i sociologii
Dorji Banzarov Buryat state University
The article notes the increased importance of business communities, including at the regional level. The author briefly identifies and analyzes the problems of interaction between regional authorities and business in the Republic of Buryatia. First of all, it is an inefficient institutional environment, the reasons for which are the lack of a clear explanation of goals and objectives, an opaque mechanism for providing support, etc. Secondly, the reduction in the number of entrepreneurs themselves, due to the low level of regional business confidence in government bodies. Thirdly, other factors (consumer distrust of products, legal illiteracy of entrepreneurs themselves, etc.). The author notes that in order to solve the above problems, it is necessary to form several basic factors: state officials trained, motivated to create a safe investment climate, competent entrepreneurs and a developed infrastructure based on public-private partnership.
How to Cite:
Balzhinimaeva E.P., (2019), THE POWER AND BUSINESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF BURYATIA. Sociopolitical Sciences, 2 => 30-31.
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