( Pp. 173-177)

More about authors
Dekhanova Natalia Gennadievna Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor, Faculty of Sociology
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
Moscow, Russisn Federation Dekhanov Aleksandr S. veduschiy sovetnik Departamenta ocenki reguliruyuschego vozdeystviya
Russian Ministry of Economic Development
The article analyzes the trends and prospects for the development of e-government in modern Russia. Considered approaches to the interpretation of the phenomenon of e-government; main prerequisites for the development of e-government; leading areas of e-government activities. The article is of undoubted practical importance, since it substantiates the need to improve interaction in the system of government, both between the government and citizens, between the government and business, and between different branches of government, government bodies of one branch of government, between government and government officials. The originality / value of the article consists in the analysis and interpretation of the mechanisms of digital transformation of individual elements of the state administration system of modern Russia. The article is intended for students, undergraduates, post-graduate students, teachers of administrative law, of public administration, of sociology of public administration.
How to Cite:
Dekhanova N.G., Dekhanov A.S., (2019), E-GOVERNMENT IN MODERN RUSSIA TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Sociopolitical Sciences, 3 => 173-177.
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