Factors of Social Efficiency of Small and Medium Business in the Conditions of Transformation of the Russian Society
( Pp. 161-168)
More about authors
Kubikova Natalya V.
graduate student
Business School of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management
Moscow, Russian Federation
Business School of Economics and Anti-Crisis Management
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article examines the key internal and external factors affecting the social efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Russia. The study was conducted in the context of profound changes taking place in Russian society. Internal factors include corporate culture, human resources management and social responsibility, while external factors include government support, interaction with the local community and partnership with non-profit organizations (NPOs). Based on the results of the study, practical recommendations are proposed to improve the social efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, prospects for further research are outlined, including an analysis of sectoral and regional differences, dynamics of changes and international experience.
How to Cite:
Kubikova N.V. Factors of Social Efficiency of Small and Medium Business in the Conditions of Transformation of the Russian Society. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 4. Pр. 161–168. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-4-161-168. EDN: PUVHGJ
Reference list:
Gorkovaya O.P., Petrov A.V. Socially responsible business and the implementation of sustainable development goals in Russia as an opportunity to reduce compliance risks. Society. Environment. Development. 2019. No. 1. Pp. 32–37. (In Rus.)
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Olkhovaya G.V. Socio-economic results of small business activities in the Republic of Crimea. Economics of Construction and Nature Management. 2020. No. 1 (74). Pp. 100–110. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.37279/2519-4453-2020-1-100-110.
Smirnov V.A. Regional systems of social entrepreneurship in Russia: Typology, development factors, key contradictions. Journal of Social Policy Research. 2021. Vol. 19. No. 1. Pp. 23–40. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.17323/727-0634-2021-19-1-23-40.
Khoreva O.V., Shokola Ya.V. New concept of corporate social responsibility – CSR 2.0. Theory and Practice of Service: Economics, Social Sphere, Technology. 2015. No. 4 (26). (In Rus.)
Kushakova M.N. Corporate social responsibility: Experience of foreign countries. Economy and Society. 2021. No. 9 (88). (In Rus.)
Olkhovaya G.V. Socio-economic results of small business activities in the Republic of Crimea. Economics of Construction and Nature Management. 2020. No. 1 (74). Pp. 100–110. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.37279/2519-4453-2020-1-100-110.
Smirnov V.A. Regional systems of social entrepreneurship in Russia: Typology, development factors, key contradictions. Journal of Social Policy Research. 2021. Vol. 19. No. 1. Pp. 23–40. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.17323/727-0634-2021-19-1-23-40.
Khoreva O.V., Shokola Ya.V. New concept of corporate social responsibility – CSR 2.0. Theory and Practice of Service: Economics, Social Sphere, Technology. 2015. No. 4 (26). (In Rus.)
social efficiency, small and medium-sized businesses, corporate culture, personnel management system, social responsibility of business, government support, interaction with the local community, partnership with NPOs.
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