The “Invisibility of Faith” and the Stigmatization of “Apostates”: The Paradoxes of Labeling in Law, Ethnography and Sociology
( Pp. 239-246)
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Arinin Evgeni I.
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor; Head, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies; Vladimdir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs; Vladimdir, Russian Federation
Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolay Grigorievich Stoletov
Vladimir, Russian Federation Markova Natalia M. Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Associate Professor; associate professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies; Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs; Vladimir, Russian Federation Pavlov Mikhail S. Department of Sociology; Vladimdir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs; Vladimdir, Russian Federation
Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolay Grigorievich Stoletov
Vladimir, Russian Federation Markova Natalia M. Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Associate Professor; associate professor, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies; Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs; Vladimir, Russian Federation Pavlov Mikhail S. Department of Sociology; Vladimdir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs; Vladimdir, Russian Federation
The 19th century became a period in history when, for the first time, according to the materials of the linguistic academic resource “National Corpus of the Russian Language”, hundreds of texts with the lexemes “sectarians”, “sectarianism”, “sectarian” and their derivatives appear in the history of Russian literature. In such social conditions, attempts to “invisible faith” begin in a number of confessional communities that do not want to become objects of discrimination and stigmatization by the authorities and researchers who study and describe the markers of such “apostates” (“schismatics”, etc.). Along with the “accusatory” direction of research by a number of authors who worked in line with the so-called the “protective” trend in politics of the second third of this century, a search for agreement between the court, legal, journalistic, ecclesiastical and scientific elites is underway in order to form an academic tradition of an objective description of confessional, ethnic, ethno-confessional and religious communities in the country, while new religious names with special denotations and connotations were constructed, for example, “one faith”, “the pious Greek Orthodox Church”, etc., The article sets out the position of social philosophy with a focus on the approaches of modern philosophical religious studies.
How to Cite:
Arinin E.I., Markova N.M., Pavlov M.S. The “Invisibility of Faith” and the Stigmatization of “Apostates”: The Paradoxes of Labeling in Law, Ethnography and Sociology. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 6. Pр. 239–246. (In Rus.). EDN: FFMDWQ
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History of religion of the Vladimir region (pre-Soviet period). Vladimir: Sherlock Press, 2017. 232 p.
How did non-believers and other representatives of non-titular confessions live in the Russian Empire. Kulturologia.RF. URL: (data of accesses: 01.02.2024).
Kanterov I.Ya. New religious movements in Russia (religious studies analysis) Moscow: Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2006. 472 p.
Karnatsevich V.L. 50 famous sects. URL: (data of accesses: 01.02.2024).
Kirillin V.M. “Alien” in Old Russian tales about the ferrara-florence cathedral. A.E. Fersman Mineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. URL: (data of accesses: 01.02.2024).
The Code of Theodosius “On pagans, sacrifices and temples”. M.A. Vedeshkin (transl. from Latin and comm.). Scientific Bulletin of the Belgorod State University. 2013. No. 27. Pp. 38–47. (In Rus.)
Kolosov V., Pavlova T. On the etymology of the terms “Orthodoxy” and Orthodox. My World. URL: biblioteca_slavi/413CC35C2C8C3170.html (data of accesses: 01.02.2024).
A brief description of all cases concerning Azov from the creation of this city to its return to the Russian empire. Translated from German by I.K. Taubert, associate professor of the Academy of Sciences. 3rd ed. St. Petersburg: At the Imp. Academy of Sciences, 1782. p.178.
Liprandi I.P. Brief review of existing schisms, heresies and sects in Russia both in their religious and political significance. Leipzig: E.L. Kasprovich, 1883. 83 p.
McLuhan M. Understanding media: External extensions of man. Moscow: Kuchkovo Pole, 2011. 464 p.
Markova N.M., Arinin E.I., Golenko V.V., Pavlov M.S. Orthodoxy in the perspective of the formation of compliance with legal, journalistic, scientific, historical and artistic social subcultures in the second quarter of the XIX century (according to the National Corpus of the Russian language). Sociopolitical Science. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 3. Pp. 171–180. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-3-171-180. EDN: JQURCY.
Melnikov P.I. The numeration of schismatics. In: Collected works. St. Petersburg; Moscow, 1898. Vol. 14. P. 390.
Peresvetov I.S. In: Orthodox Encyclopedia. URL: (data of accesses: 01.02.2024).
Petruchenko O. Latin-Russian Dictionary. 9th rev. ed. Moscow, 1914. 810 p.
Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. Collection 1. Vol. 33. St. Petersburg: Printing House of the 2nd Section of His Imperial Majesty’s Chancellery, 1830. 1167 p.
Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire: Collection 2. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg: Printing House of the 2nd Section of His Imperial Majesty’s Chancellery, 1830. 1525 p.
The Word on Law and Grace by Metropolitan Hilarion. Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. URL: (data of accesses: 01.02.2024).
Charters of spiritual affairs of foreign confessions. In: The Code of Laws of the Russian Empire. St. Petersburg, 1896. Vol. 11. Part 1. 406 p.
law, “sectarianism”, Synodal Orthodoxy, social philosophy, religious studies.
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