Interdependence of Social and Political Changes: Riscogenic Potential
( Pp. 16-26)

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Shabrov Oleg F. Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Professor
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Moscow, Russian Federation
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The article considers the risk-generating potential of changes occurring in the subsystems of modern social systems in their interaction with the natural and spiritual environment. The systemic representation of the structure of social systems developed by T. Parsons is used. The risks associated with global processes that conflict with the established approaches to the organization of material production and reproduction of cultural samples are shown. An analysis of the risks associated with the discrepancy between the interests of the groups of the social subsystem formed in the process of functioning of the economic subsystem and the cultural subsystem is given. The functions of the political subsystem to reduce the severity of these risks are revealed, as well as the risks arising in connection with the ineffective performance of these functions by the political system. Conclusions are formulated based on the analysis of modern political processes in Russia and the West. It is shown that there are objective and subjective factors reducing the effectiveness of the performance of the main functions by the subsystems of society, giving rise to significant risks of its destabilization.
How to Cite:
Shabrov O.F. Interdependence of Social and Political Changes: Riscogenic Potential. Sociopolitical Sciences. 2024. Vol. 14. No. 4. Pр. 16–26. (In Rus.). DOI: 10.33693/2223-0092-2024-14-4-16-26. EDN: NMJFZO
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social system, subsystem, integration, groups, interests, values, risks, politics.

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