( Pp. 93-96)
More about authors
Kurnosova Valeriya V.
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
The relevance of the topic and at the same time, the reasons which led the author to the preparation of this paper, lies in the peculiarities of the functioning of national courts in modern conditions of development of integration processes. In this regard, there is a need of scientific understanding of extension and modification of the judicial functions under the influence of integration in the legal sphere. In preparing the articles used the basic methods of scientific analysis places special emphasis on the logical-structural and comparative legal methods. In result of the conducted research the author comes to the conclusions about the appearance under the influence of the integration processes in modern courts the role of facilitating judicial means of international collaboration on issues within the competence of the court; the relationship of the national and international legal levels of judicial protection of the rights of man and citizen; a special role in the human rights machinery of the Constitutional Court; the prospects of creation of administrative courts in Russia. The material and conclusions of this paper can be useful in further scientific development of the problems of judicial enforcement in terms of legal integration and in the improvement of Russian legislation in the part of the judicial system and judicial enforcement. The article may be interesting to readers studying law, and especially specialized in the field of judicial enforcement.
How to Cite:
Kurnosova V.V., (2017), THE INFLUENCE OF INTEGRATION PROCESSES ON THE FUNCTIONING OF NATIONAL COURTS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 93-96.
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integration processes, national courts, international courts, judicial functions.
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