( Pp. 72-77)

More about authors
Podkolzina Irina M. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent kafedry «Finansy, kredit i strahovoe delo»
the Stavropol state agrarian University Dregnin Oleg E. prepodavatel Kafedry gosudarstvennogo upravleniya
MGIMO - University
The necessity of writing this article is due to the needs of scientific understanding of developments on the issue of ensuring the development of the pension system. The study is based on the use of content analysis, statistical and financial analysis. The theoretical basis of the study is the provisions and conclusions contained in the works of Russian and foreign scientists and economists: L. L. Arzumanova, M. Yu. Barshchevsky, A. Jeffrey, V. S. Nazarov, V. D. Roik, G. V. Suleymanova, K. Heino Arve Yomm, etc. The article considers the pension system as an element of the state social security policy of Russia: the income and expenses of the pension Fund of the Russian Federation are estimated, the average size of pensions, the subsistence minimum of the pensioner is shown. The sphere of pension provision is the basis of human development, without which development is impossible. Therefore, the state, understanding the importance and necessity of pension provision, seeks to regulate this area of social relations. Despite the state's attempts to regulate the sphere of pension provision, a situation is emerging where this regulation is contrary to the basic principles and norms of law, which cannot but cause special attention. During the study, attention is paid to the principles and methods of accumulation, conservation and distribution of accumulated resources; to the regulatory acts regulating the sources of formation of pension funds. Based on the study of this issue, the author comes to the conclusion that the pension is a basic and one of the most important social guarantees of stable development of society, as it directly affects the interests of the disabled population. A stable functioning pension system is, first of all, a guarantee of social stability in society and, conversely, an unsatisfactory pension system generates a dangerous social tension. Analysis of normative-legal acts regulating pension relationship confirms the assumption that the pension scheme will be better and more effective in the presence of the following factors: increasing the amount of pension due to the changes and additions to the regulatory framework, more information in relation to pension provision in the media and at the enterprises of service of pensioners, a deeper study of the problems of people retiring and the development of proposals to improve the quality of care for persons, those who applied for the purpose of labor pension. The work is addressed to a wide range of reader.
How to Cite:
Podkolzina I.M., Dregnin O.E., (2018), FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT OF PENSION SYSTEM IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 72-77.
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