( Pp. 289-294)

More about authors
Ibragimova Aminat Kh. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry «Buhgalterskiy uchet-1»
GAOU VO «Dagestan state University of national economy»
Task. The article deals with the regulatory issues of cost accounting in the historical aspect, in the domestic exploration of hydrocarbons - upstream. The assessment of the features of the formation of costs in the accounts of accounting in Russia in a planned economy and at the present stage, as well as the shortcomings and advantages of regulations aimed at the convergence of domestic accounting with international standards. It is noted that the change of the chart of accounts is an inevitable process under the influence of the changes taking place in the economy of the State. Domestic upstream is an old, but necessary component of the reproduction of the mineral resource base of the state. As a type of activity, upstream is a scientifically based, systematic and guaranteed provision of the state with proven reserves of minerals, taking into account environmental protection. The study revealed the inconsistency of regulations, the actual state of Affairs in the industry. An attempt was made to align the articles of the estimate and the actual costs incurred upstream. It is proposed to clarify the composition of the cost item «costs of preparation and development of production» for the upstream, with the allocation of substations and their composition. Model. The article investigates modern approaches to the normative regulation of cost accounting in the upstream, which allowed us to offer clarification of the calculation articles. Conclusions. It is concluded that the clarification of the article «costs of preparation and development of production» will have a positive impact on the calculation of the cost of tangible and intangible search assets, by clearly determining the amount of costs attributable to a particular type of asset, respectively, the correct determination of their initial cost. Practical importance. The practical significance of the article is that the conclusions and proposals contribute to the improvement of cost accounting, harmonization of domestic and international accounting, the real reflection of costs in the cost. Originality. The author's study revealed that the new realities have changed the chart of accounts in comparison with the previously adopted plans of accounts, with respect to cost accounting in the upstream. Also require revision of Guidelines and Instructions in the industry, in accordance with the changes taking place in the Russian economy and the process of convergence of domestic accounting with IFRS. The positive role of the regulation on accounting 24/2011 in this direction is noted, however, there is a need for its further improvement.
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Reference list:
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