( Pp. 73-78)

More about authors
Orlovskaya Marina A. nachalnik otdela
«Russian Space Systems», JSC Panina Svetlana A. starshiy prepodavatel Departamenta pravovogo regulirovaniya ekonomicheskoy deyatelnosti
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of corruption in Russia, the inevitability of its presence in the existing conditions of public administration, the main aspects of its manifestation. Design/ methodology / approach. The article deals with corruption as a criminal phenomenon, which is a direct international danger. Findings: The growth and qualitative changes in corruption and malfeasance raise the interest of international organizations and various national law enforcement agencies in the joint search for the most effective ways, means and methods of combating this negative phenomenon, to some extent inherent in all modern States, regardless of their legal systems. Originality / value: It is necessary to carry out a comprehensive criminological examination of the current and projected legislation in order to identify uncertainties that can contribute to the growth of corruption among civil servants.
How to Cite:
Orlovskaya M.A., Panina S.A., (2018), ENSURING ECONOMIC SECURITY IN THE SYSTEM OF NATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION MEASURES. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 73-78.
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