( Pp. 41-46)
More about authors
Komakhina Alyona V.
27.04.02 - Upravlenie kachestvom
MIREA - Russian University of technology Dmitry Yu. Denisov Head of the Department of Modern Management Technologies
MIREA—Russian Technological University
Moscow, Russian Federation
MIREA - Russian University of technology Dmitry Yu. Denisov Head of the Department of Modern Management Technologies
MIREA—Russian Technological University
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers the method of hierarchy analysis as a tool for determining the development strategy of the organization. The peculiarity of this article is the use of expert methods of decision-making in combination with formal methods used to identify the relationship between quantitative or qualitative indicators, on the basis of which the authors build a rationale for making a choice and draw conclusions about the appropriateness of the proposed approach.
How to Cite:
Komakhina A.V., Dmitry Y.D., (2019), APPLICATION OF EXPERT DECISION-MAKING METHODS (MAI) AS A TOOL FOR CHOOSING A LOGISTICS STRATEGY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 41-46.
Reference list:
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