( Pp. 35-38)

More about authors
Eroshin Vladimir I. doktor ekonomicheskih nauk, professor, chlen-korrespondent Rossiyskoy akademii obrazovaniya
In postindustrial society, education in its organic relationship with science, forming the quality of human capital, turns into the main, the most important factor of socio-economic development. Co-responsibly it is legitimate to assert the existence and allocation in the living space of human actions and relationships, events and inter-SES, target ideas, planning and projects of a special sphere, an area called according to the tasks of the educational space. Under the educational space in this article refers to a vast field, systemically understood set of studied, cognitive, continuously updated, knowledge, skills, scientific ideas about the world, nature, society, the vital processes of economic and social development, technical and technological process, the perfection of the image, modes of existence and activity.
How to Cite:
Eroshin V.I., (2019), ON THE SYSTEM PRINCIPLES OF HARMONIOUS TRANSFORMATION OF EDUCATIONAL SPACE. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 35-38.
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