( Pp. 239-241)

More about authors
Komov Sergey A.
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
At the present stage of development of the Russian economy, the problem of ensuring the safety of enterprises is quite acute. Large business has at its disposal units and security services. However, security is also relevant for small and medium businesses, which often do not have the resources to maintain a security service. In this regard, modern managers and business owners should at least be aware of risk management. When building a security system, management should pay attention to the key functions of the enterprise, which are external and internal. Business risks can be divided into risks associated with external and internal unlawful encroachments coming from competitors, compliance risks, as well as related to non-professionalism. In the article, the author attempts to list the main measures for the prevention and suppression of the realization of these risks.
How to Cite:
Komov S.A., (2018), TO THE QUESTION OF ENSURING THE SAFETY OF BUSINESS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 239-241.
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