( Pp. 162-165)

More about authors
Buyanova Anastasia V. Cand. Sci. (Law), Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article covers the problems of using incentive payments for public sector employees and determines their place in the wage system. In order to stimulate advanced training, quality work, as well as for the work performed in the institution, public sector employees are encouraged with incentive payments. As a rule, these include bonuses, incentive allowances to the official salary (salary) and other incentive payments. It is proved that incentive payments in a number of institutions are used as a guaranteed part of earnings, not linked to the results of labor. The main reason for this is related to the low size of the tariff part of wages, as well as low competitiveness in the regional labor market of the institution. As a result, the institution is forced to reward employees regardless of what results of labor they give, since existing workers must be retained. When applying an effective contract in an institution, an additional agreement should be concluded with the employee, which specifies the incentive payments provided for the employee, as well as the setting of performance indicators. When analyzing the problems of local regulation of incentive payments, a proposal was made to use modern organizations for stimulating labor in organizations in the public sector (grading, KTU, KPI) with certain provisions fixed in a local regulatory act or collective agreement.
How to Cite:
Buyanova A.V., (2018), THE PLACE OF INCENTIVE PAYMENTS IN THE WAGE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC SECTOR EMPLOYEES. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 162-165.
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