( Pp. 234-240)
More about authors
Sergei V. Mozer
Cand.Sci.(Law), Deputy Head of the Division of Advanced Customs Technologies of the Department of Customs Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice
Eurasian Economic Commission
Moscow, Russia
Eurasian Economic Commission
Moscow, Russia
The article deals with topical issues of the formation of the Digital customs institute at the World Customs Organization. The author analyzes the approaches of the international customs community to the creation of a Digital customs maturity model. The research material focuses on the elements of the Maturity model of digital customs and draws conclusions about its potential use within the frames of the development of this institution (instrument, phenomenon, mechanism) in the law of the Eurasian Economic Union. The research material is a matter of interest to a wide range of specialists whose activities are related to the development of the institute of electronic (digital) customs, the improvement of customs regulation, as well as international customs law.
How to Cite:
Sergei V.M., (2019), IMPROVEMENT OF THE INSTITUTE OF DIGITAL CUSTOMS: ANALYSIS OF THE WCO MATURITY MODEL. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 234-240.
Reference list:
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