Problems of Continuity in Legal Doctrine: From History to Present
( Pp. 14-18)

More about authors
Oksana N. Petyukova
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Goals / objectives. The scientific article analyzes various doctrinal approaches to the concept, characteristics, content of continuity in law. The purpose of the article is to study the definition of «continuity in law», which is one of the key categories of the theory of state and law, which is designed to identify significant and regular connections of legal reality in the context of the past-present-future. The study characterizes the degree of scientific elaboration of the topic under consideration, the various approaches of legal scholars to the concept of legal continuity, and determines the potential of the problems of legal continuity in legal science. Methodology. General scientific and particular scientific methods were used in the scientific study: analysis and synthesis, comparative legal, formal legal and others, which made it possible to identify various forms of continuity in law, to characterize its content and features. Conclusions. The article notes that the forms of legal continuity are diverse, since it is associated with many customs, beliefs, etc. Legal continuity should be considered in the context of the progressive movement of law, taking into account the variability and alternativeness of legal development. At the present stage, the historical continuity of the legal experience of generations is a key methodological prerequisite for the sustainable development of the Russian state in the long term.
How to Cite:
Oksana N.P., (2022), PROBLEMS OF CONTINUITY IN LEGAL DOCTRINE: FROM HISTORY TO PRESENT. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 14-18.
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scientific approaches, legal continuity, legal traditions, legal innovations, law, legal science.

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