Foreign experience of socially responsible investment of pension assets
( Pp. 31-36)

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Esaulkova Tatyana S. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, soiskatel
All-Russian Research Institute of Labour of Ministry of Labour of Russia
The object of the study is socially responsible investment. The purpose of the work is to analyze and generalize the foreign experience of the participation of pension funds in this investment. Research methods - methods of economic analysis, comparative approach. Results of the study: clarification of the definition of socially responsible investment, disclosure of the forms and mechanisms for the participation of pension funds in socially responsible investment. Scope - the generalized experience of participation of foreign pension funds can be applied in our country. The novelty and significance of the article lies in the fact that it disclosed possible forms of participation of pension funds in socially responsible investment through: developing appropriate investment policies; using ESG principles to assess the quality of management in the fund; screening applications to search for companies that incorporate ESG principles in their operations; support of these companies with their investment strategy (through direct investments in certain projects of these companies, through the purchase of bonds issued by these companies); exclusion of objects for investments that do not comply with ESG, etc.
How to Cite:
Esaulkova T.S., (2020), FOREIGN EXPERIENCE OF SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT OF PENSION ASSETS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 31-36.
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socially responsible investment, pension assets, pension asset management, social bonds, green bonds, screening.

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