( Pp. 25-30)

More about authors
Podkolzina Irina M. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, docent kafedry «Finansy, kredit i strahovoe delo»
the Stavropol state agrarian University Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra pravovyh osnov upravleniya.
The need to write this article is due to the fact that the digital economy is rapidly replacing the old way of life in all spheres of modern society. Private life and jobs are being transformed, new professions and tools for interaction are emerging. In the era of such large-scale transformations, the problem of digitalization in the economy is becoming increasingly important. The digital economy in the near future is included in the list of the main directions of strategic development of Russia. The transition to a «digital economy» really increases the efficiency of the Russian economy and significantly increases its chances of becoming a competitive economy in the world market. Theoretical basis of research is the views and conclusions contained in the works of Russian and foreign scientists-economists: N. And. Antipov, V. V., Sow, A. S., Borisevich, L. D. Kapranov, S. V. Pluhatarenko, A. V. Prokhorov, L. A. Konik, etc. In today's realities of the movement towards universal digital transformation for large and medium-sized Russian businesses, the issues of setting goals for transformation, predicting success in specific figures, selecting the right consultants and technical solutions are relevant. But behind the veil of great hype around, often there is an acute lack of real practice in the introduction of new methodologies and technologies in Russia, and the assessment of the results is not available. The study draws attention to the problems of the development of digitalization of the economy in Russia. Based on the study of this topic, the author comes to the conclusion that any new technology not only brings new technological opportunities, but also any certain risks. Therefore, in addition to the positive aspects, there are certain risks in the «transformation of the digitalization of the economy». Translating the Russian economy into a digital format makes it more transparent, which several times increases the threat to the national security of the country. Moreover, the risk of intercepting not only technological processes, but also the monitoring of society as a whole is increasing. If used properly, it will become a resource for national security, given that it comes down to competitiveness. However, with excessive openness and disregard for security - it will be an absolute destructive factor. The work is addressed to a wide range of economists.
How to Cite:
Podkolzina I.M., Zherelina O.N., (2019), DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 25-30.
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