Analysis of problems in the banking sector of the Russian Federation through the prism of audit opinions
( Pp. 61-66)

More about authors
Liudmila V. Kashirskaya Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Professor of the Audit and Corporate Reporting Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation Vinogradov Anatoly A. konsultant Departamenta po investiciyam i upravleniyu aktivami v nedvizhimosti.
Non-profit organization Foundation for the development of the Center for the development and commercialization of new technologies (SKOLKOVO Foundation) Gaibov Gurban S. magistrant
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Task. The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of the problems of the banking sector of the Russian economy through the prism of audit opinions issued to credit institutions based on the results of the audit. The assessment of the state of this problem is given. The problem is that most of the clients of audit organizations are organizations from the wholesale and retail industry. The financial sector of the economy accounts for 1.2% of the total number of organizations audited by audit companies. Model. In order to confirm these aspects, the article examines a number of statistical indicators for 2017-2018. Conclusions. Comparing violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation by credit organizations that were the reasons for revoking their licenses, and the opinions of auditors expressed in modified audit reports, it is concluded that audit organizations often did not identify a number of very significant violations. Practical importance. The practical significance of the article is that the conclusions and proposals are aimed at increasing the emphasis on audit in the audit of this segment of the economy. At the same time, when identifying deviations in the financial position of borrowers and in the amount of reserves created, auditors are required to systematically report this to the audited credit institutions. Otherwise, this leads to the accumulation of low-quality loan debt in the loan portfolio. Originality. The study conducted by the authors revealed that the new reality has changed the attitude to the audit report in the banking sector of the economy. For proper management decisions, users of financial statements need to ensure that the financial statements they rely on are reliable in all material respects. The opinion expressed by the auditors in the audit report is the guarantor of the reliability of the financial statements.
How to Cite:
Liudmila V.K., Vinogradov A.A., Gaibov G.S., (2020), ANALYSIS OF PROBLEMS IN THE BANKING SECTOR OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION THROUGH THE PRISM OF AUDIT OPINIONS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 61-66.
Reference list:
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auditor's opinion, audit opinion, modified opinion, business continuity, professional skepticism.

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