( Pp. 166-170)

More about authors
Maximov Daniil S.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Bilyak Vladimir I.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The purpose of this article is to discover the phenomenon of the digital economy in Russia. Contemporary Russian scientists and academics represented by Vice-President of the Nanotechnology society of Russia Georgy Gennadyevich Malinetsky, academic of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Institute of national economic forecasting Victor Ivanter expressed their concern about the state of the digital economy in our country. The authors of the article investigated various literary sources such as scientific articles, manuals and collections; using General scientific methods the studied material was transformed into the content of the following article. The study analyzed the current state of the digital economy in Russia, identified its strengths and weaknesses, presented options for improving the regulatory framework in the field of mentioned topic. This article can be of value to students at all levels who want to understand the digital economy and its components, as well as to discover ways to improve it.
How to Cite:
Maximov D.S., Bilyak V.I., (2019), ISSUES OF LEGAL REGULATION OF DIGITAL ECONOMY IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 166-170.
Reference list:
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