( Pp. 139-144)

More about authors
Tsokur Elena F. kandidat istoricheskih nauk, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava
Southwest state University Zherelina Olga Nikolaevna Dolzhnost: prepodavatel. Podrazdelenie: kafedra pravovyh osnov upravleniya.
The article deals with the legal status and features of the contract of tenancy in the housing stock of social purpose. The problem of providing citizens with housing is relevant and needs to be addressed at the government level, the steps taken and the introduction of innovations in the residential complex of the Russian Federation are analyzed in this study. The study used General scientific research methods: the method of deduction was combined with the method of induction, comparative legal analysis was carried out, the method of case analysis was used, the study used a statistical method of collecting information. The research is based on the works of such scientists as: V. V. Vitryansky, V. P. Mironov, S. Kutsin, E. A. Kirillova and others. The article is devoted to the definition of the features and role of hired houses, this institution is new and little studied in the housing law of Russia. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the contract of employment of residential premises in the housing Fund of social purpose is an independent type of contract in which the employer is a citizen of the Russian Federation, having a wealth below average, which does not allow him to buy a living space either on his own or on borrowed funds, concludes an agreement with the landlord on the lease of a comfortable dwelling with a certain normalized area for a period of not more than ten years. In order to ensure more complete and effective provision of housing for needy citizens, it is necessary to amend paragraph 4 of article 91.16 residential complex of the Russian Federation o that the share of the premises intended for hiring of premises of housing stock of social use cannot be less than eighty percent. In Art. 91.10 of the LC RF it is necessary to provide for the possibility of postponing the payment for a hired house, if the employer had valid reasons for which he could not pay for housing and utilities in a timely manner, so art. 91.10 LC RF should be supplemented with a list of valid reasons for which the employer may violate the terms of payment. Has been restated in the article the results of research showed that the new Institute of hiring of premises of housing stock of social purpose requires further study and analysis.
How to Cite:
Tsokur E.F., Zherelina O.N., (2019), THE LEGAL STATUS OF THE CONTRACT OF HIRING OF PREMISES OF HOUSING STOCK OF SOCIAL PURPOSE. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 139-144.
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