( Pp. 231-235)
More about authors
Sitkareva Elena V.
kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava i processa i mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava
RUDN University Law Institute
RUDN University Law Institute
The article notes that in recent years, the use of arbitration has expanded in South Korea, and international arbitration has become the preferred dispute resolution mechanism for Korean companies seeking to enter international export markets. The law on arbitration of South Korea was revised in 2016, the same year the Arbitration Industry Promotion Act was adopted, which entered into force on August 28, 2017. The main purpose of the law is to intensify arbitration as a means of resolving internal and international disputes by identifying issues necessary to promote the development of the arbitration industry and promote the development of the national economy, laying the foundations for promoting the arbitration industry in Korea in order to turn it into an international arbitration center. It was concluded that the adoption of new regulations in the field of international arbitration that meet all modern international standards, as well as the decision to allow foreign lawyers to open offices in South Korea could be a turning point in the development of the arbitration market in South Korea.
How to Cite:
Sitkareva E.V., (2019), NEW SOUTH KOREA 2016 ARBITRATION LAWS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 231-235.
Reference list:
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Act No. 14176, May 29, 2016. URL: /eng service / hseq 38889 lang ENG Data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
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Elena Petrovna Ermakova, Ekaterina Petrovna Rusakova, Elena Vitalievna Sitkareva, Evgenia Evgenevna Frolova. Main Components of Protecting Consumers of Financial Products in Asian-Oceanic (APAC) Countries// International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) (ISSN2227524X-United Arab Emirates-Scopus) (DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.38.24343) Published on:, Vol. 7, No 4.38 (2018). P. 157.
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Miroshnichenko, O.I., Samusenko, T.M., Gaivoronskaya, Ya.V., Frolova, E.E. (2018) DOCTRINE IN THE MODERN WORLD: LEGAL TRADITIONS AND MODERN POTENTIAL// The Social Sciences (Pakistan). Vol. 13. no. 2. pp. 235-240.Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution (OADR)).URL: Data obrashcheniya 24.01.19.
Seoul International Dispute Resolution Centre (SIDRC). URL: data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
The 2016 revised International Arbitration Rules (2016 International Rules) of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) come into effect on 1 June 2016. URL: eng/law /law 02 ex.jsp data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
The Arbitration Act. URL: /laws/en/kr/kr090en.pdf data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
Razreshenie finansovykh sporov v stranakh ATR (Avstraliya, Gonkong, Indiya, Indoneziya, Kitay, Malayziya, Novaya Zelandiya, Singapur, SSHA, Tailand, YAponiya). Monografiya. Pod red. E.E. Frolovoy i E.P. Ermakovoy. M. Izd. Infotropik Media, 2019. S. 23.
A view from Seoul: How is arbitration viewed in Korea and how is it changing // Herbert Smith Freehills//27 July 2018 // Global//Legal Briefings. URL: Data obrashcheniya 01.02.19.
Act No. 14176, May 29, 2016. URL: /eng service / hseq 38889 lang ENG Data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
Arbitration Industry Promotion Act. ( Promotion Act ), which was enacted on 27 December 2016, finally took effect on 28 August 2017. URL: service/ hseq 42311 lang ENG Data obrashcheniya 01.02.19.
Chung Jin Yeong and Seo Sungjean, Litigation and enforcement in South Korea: overview// Practical Law URL: https://uk.practicallaw. transitionType Default contextData (sc.Default) firstPage true bhcp 1 co pageContainer (Data obrashcheniya 10.08.2017).
Elena Petrovna Ermakova, Ekaterina Petrovna Rusakova, Elena Vitalievna Sitkareva, Evgenia Evgenevna Frolova. Main Components of Protecting Consumers of Financial Products in Asian-Oceanic (APAC) Countries// International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) (ISSN2227524X-United Arab Emirates-Scopus) (DOI: 10.14419/ijet.v7i4.38.24343) Published on:, Vol. 7, No 4.38 (2018). P. 157.
KCAB International. URL: data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
Kim Sae Youn and White Andrew. Arbitration procedures and practice in South Korea: overview. Law stated as at 01 Sep 2018. URL: transitionType Default contextData (sc.Default) firstPage true comp pluk bhcp 1 Data obrashcheniya 01.02.19.
McDonald Lewis, Doe James. Arbitration in South Korea: a new phase begins. URL: g 8792d23b-10dd-4f21-a2be-859020273b1e Data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
Miroshnichenko, O.I., Samusenko, T.M., Gaivoronskaya, Ya.V., Frolova, E.E. (2018) DOCTRINE IN THE MODERN WORLD: LEGAL TRADITIONS AND MODERN POTENTIAL// The Social Sciences (Pakistan). Vol. 13. no. 2. pp. 235-240.Office for Alternative Dispute Resolution (OADR)).URL: Data obrashcheniya 24.01.19.
Seoul International Dispute Resolution Centre (SIDRC). URL: data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
The 2016 revised International Arbitration Rules (2016 International Rules) of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) come into effect on 1 June 2016. URL: eng/law /law 02 ex.jsp data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.
The Arbitration Act. URL: /laws/en/kr/kr090en.pdf data obrashcheniya 18.02.19.