( Pp. 151-154)

More about authors
Sultanova Natalia A. soiskatel kafedry ugolovnogo i ugolovno-ispolnitelnogo prava i kriminologii; starshiy pomoschnik prokurora
the prosecutor's office of the city of Novocherkassk, Rostov region; Chechen state University
The article examines the criminal sanctions imposed for the credit of the crime, from the point of view of their content and legislative technique. The author focuses on the fact that when designing sanctions should take into account the specifics of a particular credit crime and coordinate it with the sanctions for crimes that are with him in hierarchical and related relationships. The system analysis of criminal law sanctions and the results of the study of the practice of sentencing for credit crimes allow us to formulate recommendations that can be used to improve the criminal law. The article may be of interest to scientists, practicing lawyers and other persons interested in the problems of credit crimes.
How to Cite:
Sultanova N.A., (2019), CONSTRUCTION OF CRIMINAL SANCTIONS FOR CREDIT CRIMES: STATE AND PROSPECTS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 151-154.
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