( Pp. 257-260)

More about authors
Nikolaeva Tatyana P. kand. ekon. nauk, docent, docent kafedry «Finansy i ceny»
Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanova Nikolaeva Tatyana E. kand. ekon. nauk, docent, docent kafedry «Finansy i ceny»
Russian Economic University. G.V. Plekhanova
The article describes the ways to attract funds to Finance capital investments. The necessity of using financial lease due to its advantages in comparison with traditional banking operations is substantiated. The state of the leasing services market is briefly described. The growth of leasing business was noted, partly due to the state support programs especially in transport segments and the increase in the number of transactions. The content of leasing relations is revealed, their subjects and objects are characterized. The classification of leasing is given. The legal framework for leasing. The main role of the leasing companies created at banks in the market of leasing services is revealed. The features of lease payments under the lease agreement are defined. Attention is paid to the elements of leasing payments. Risks of leasing operations and ways of their minimization are considered. The Russian practice of leasing operations is analyzed and recommendations on their improvement are given.
How to Cite:
Nikolaeva T.P., Nikolaeva T.E., (2018), FEATURES OF LEASING AT THE PRESENT STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN ECONOMY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 257-260.
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