( Pp. 236-239)

More about authors
Isaeva Lyubov M. doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor, sovetnik generalnogo direktora
PJSC «Dolgoprudny Research Production Enterprise»
The urgency of the development of new methods of using special knowledge in law enforcement, such as the method of validity and the method of collision of interests; examples from practice considered the features of their application. The author comes to the conclusion that, despite the existing problems of using special knowledge in law enforcement, new methods based on the assessment of modern achievements of science and the assessment of social reality provide grounds for overcoming them.
How to Cite:
Isaeva L.M., (2019), PROBLEM ISSUES AND MODERN METHODS OF USING SPECIAL KNOWLEDGE IN LAW ENFORCEMENT. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 236-239.
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