( Pp. 50-53)

More about authors
Esaulkova Tatyana S. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, soiskatel
All-Russian Research Institute of Labour of Ministry of Labour of Russia
In the article describes the basics of the concept of socially responsible investment, the principles of which are peculiarly reflected in the pension assets management processes. Socially responsible investment, on the one hand, can be viewed as a trend of the modern social policy of economically developed countries. But, on the other hand, the concept of this investment is not fully understood theoretically, in particular, not highlighted the risks, associated with such investment, not specified and the definition of socially significant objects.
How to Cite:
Esaulkova T.S., (2019), PENSION ASSETS MANAGEMENT IN A SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT CONCEPT. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 1 => 50-53.
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