( Pp. 97-99)

More about authors
Lysenkova Alena I. Yuridicheskiy fakultet
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation Makludova Anastasia M. Yuridicheskiy fakultet
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
The relevance of the work is defined by the fact, that now there is a huge number of the factors directly or indirectly having an impact on activity of corporations, therefore they cannot fully function, develop and achieve their objects. So, authors consider, that a research objective is identification of the economic and ecological factors having the greatest impact on activity of corporations. Design / methodology / approach. Authors reveal the most important components of economic and ecological factors and show their influence on activity of one of the largest oil and gas companies of the world - PJSC «Lukoil». Findings. We considered ecological and economic factors in detail and come to a conclusion, that corporations should have in attention all changes of the outside world, even the most insignificant. They should use modern methods of the analysis of external factors, and as a result of it their main objectives will be achieved. Originality / value. In this research authors pay attention to such components of economic factor as influence of growth rates of inflation and also change of course of a currency exchange. Rather ecological factor authors place emphasis on the importance of the international standards for corporations and also other regulations in the field of nature protection and environmental control. Scientists-lawyers did not consider this subject from such point of view.
How to Cite:
Lysenkova A.I., Makludova A.M., (2018), INFLUENCE OF EXTERNAL FACTORS ON ACTIVITY OF CORPORATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF PJSC «LUKOIL»). Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 6 => 97-99.
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