( Pp. 39-45)

More about authors
Dekhanova Natalia Gennadievna Cand.Sci. (Sociology), Associate Professor, Faculty of Sociology
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
Moscow, Russisn Federation Kholodenko Yurij A. kandidat ekonomicheskih nauk, sociologicheskiy fakultet
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
The article analyzes the impact of the digital revolution on the transformation of the labor market and the structure of employment, the role of the state in these processes. As a method of obtaining empirical information, the authors used a secondary analysis of sociological research data conducted by the Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2014-2016, HSE on the availability and quality of higher education and the quality of education in modern Russia; empirical data contained in the report «Russia 2025: from human resources to talent» on changing the structure of employment in the context of digital transition and the knowledge economy, prepared by Boston Consulting Group (Boston Consulting Group, 2017). The statistical data of Rosstat (Rosstat, 2018) and the data contained in the Program «Digital economy of the Russian Federation» adopted in 2017 also serve as an empirical base. During the analysis of empirical data in the article several problems were solved. First, the parameters of the employment structure were determined depending on the level (stage) of economic development in the country. Secondly, the specificity of employment in the conditions of digital transformation, the consequences and risks of this transformation for the whole set of social relations were revealed. Thirdly, the situation on the labor market in modern Russia was analyzed, promising directions of development of employment and state policy in this sphere were considered. The solution of these tasks determine the practical significance and scientific value of this article.
How to Cite:
Dekhanova N.G., Kholodenko Y.A., (2019), SOCIAL CHALLENGES OF THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 4 => 39-45.
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