( Pp. 100-104)
More about authors
Kononova Ekaterina S.
fakultet «Uchet i audit»
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Task. The article presents the problems faced by organizations in terms of closing accounts. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the requirements of accounting and tax regulations in relation to these issues, as well as ways of convergence of the two types of accounting in terms of income and expenses. The problem is that the current market conditions are such that many organizations have to carry out activities that do not bring profit, which is also called income-free economic activity. If the organization exists in a crisis, traditional accounting methods should be gradually replaced by more advanced ones. Model. In the article modern approaches allowing to combine financial and tax accounting of the functioning commercial organizations are investigated. Summary. It is concluded that the existing legal framework lacks a clear model of interaction between accounting and tax accounting of income and expenses of the organization. Therefore, to improve the accounting and tax accounting of financial results, it is necessary to eliminate the contradictions associated with the accounting of income and expenses. Therefore, one of the main aspects to improve the accounting system of income and expenses is the mandatory practical application of PBU 18/02 «Accounting for income tax calculations». Practical importance. The practical significance of the article is that the conclusions and proposals are aimed at strengthening the role of accounting, which contribute to the real optimization of modern business. Originality. The study conducted by the authors revealed that the new reality has changed the attitude of customers requiring a clear justification of financial statements formed on the basis of professional judgment of accountants.
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Reference list:
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