( Pp. 244-247)
More about authors
Paramonov Andrej V.
kandidat pedagogicheskih nauk, zaveduyuschiy kafedroy specialnoy podgotovki i obespecheniya nacionalnoy bezopasnosti
Institute of Law and National Security, Derzhavin Tambov State University
Institute of Law and National Security, Derzhavin Tambov State University
In the conditions of the modern world, illegal acts in the virtual space are becoming increasingly popular in criminal circles, they are called cybercrimes. The article describes the history of the emergence and characteristics of these unlawful acts. In our times, there is a tendency to increase the number of cybercrime, as a result of which cybercrime has become a threat to national and international security. The number of victims per hour is measured in thousands, and the annual damage from the activities of virtual criminals is several hundred billion dollars. This threat is particularly relevant for Russia. In the article author shows the growth dynamics of cybercrime in our country. He analyzed the problems which associated with countering cybercrime. In particular, special divisions of the internal affairs agencies that specialize in countering cybercrime activities are being created in Russia. However, the effectiveness of law enforcement is quite low. As a result, the problem of countering virtual unlawful acts develops into one of the directions to ensure of the national security of the Russian Federation.
How to Cite:
Paramonov A.V., (2019), COUNTERACTION OF CYBERCRIMES AS AN ACTIVITY TO ENSURE NATIONAL SECURITY. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 244-247.
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