( Pp. 200-203)

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Ermakova Elena P. kandidat yuridicheskih nauk, docent, docent kafedry grazhdanskogo prava i processa i mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava
RUDN University Law Institute
The article notes that at present, China is the undoubted global center for global innovation and the introduction of fintech. Currently, there are two Internet banks in China: Webank, created by Tencent, the largest Chinese SNS company, and Mybank, created by Alibaba, the largest e-commerce company in China. These two banks own an aggregate share of 92% of electronic transactions in the Chinese market, which includes 1.4 billion people. The rapid spread of mobile payments in China was promoted by: 1) the lack of a history of using credit cards and 2) the very centralized nature of the e-commerce market in China. In 2019, according to economists, the volume of online banking transactions should be a record amount of 4,622 quadrillion yuan. However, the explosive growth of Chinese FINTECH technology occurred in a regulatory void.
How to Cite:
Ermakova E.P., (2019), INTERNET BANKING, DIGITAL SECURITIES AND ONLINE INSURANCE IN CHINA. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 3 => 200-203.
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