( Pp. 166-169)

More about authors
Kudryavtseva Larisa V. Associate Professor of the Department of International Private and Business Law
Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
Krasnodar, Russian Federation Alexandrov Svyatoslav Arturovich magistrant yuridicheskogo fakulteta
The Kuban state Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin
The principle of good faith is currently one of the key principles in Russian civil law. Good faith to some extent affects the activities of all participants in civil law relations, especially business entities, not the exception and agricultural producers. In this paper, we have described the principle of good faith as such. Also some normative legal acts regulating activity of subjects of agro-industrial complex of Russia in which there is a mention of this principle were studied. The authors note the uncertainty of the legislator in the application of the concept of «good faith» in various legal acts of the Russian Federation, the lack of a single interpretation of the meaning of this definition, which leads to legal conflicts. According to the authors, the further development of domestic legislation in this area should be aimed at the specification of the concept of «good faith» of the participant of civil and civil procedural legal relations.
How to Cite:
Kudryavtseva L.V., Alexandrov S.A., (2019), ACTION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF INTEGRITY IN THE ACTIVITY OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS. Economic Problems and Legal Practice, 2 => 166-169.
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